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Brain Breaks for schools

A-life have taught over 1.5 million children face to face. In the last few years we have seen a shift in children’s concentration and attention span who are often made to sit and listen for long periods of time. Getting children actively engaged in lessons is really imprortant and brain breaks have become increasingly popular for helping children get active and refocussed for the lessons without even having to leave the classroom.

Lots of free brain breaks miss the point and actually just hype kids up and don’t get them very active and often have unwanted adverts. A-life online is different. Created by our team of teachers A-life Online  is a library of interactive and educational videos to improve children’s mental and physical health. Our uniquely designed Brain Boosts and Body Boosts require little to no planning for your teachers and cover the whole school from Early Years to Year 6. All on one affordable subscription platform. 

  • Ad-free & affordable (£200-£650 for whole school)
  • Active body boosts & brain boosts included
  • Educational & covers loads of curriculum – teeth, zones of regulation, health eating….
  • Free trial (no payment details required)
  • Differentiated and suitable for EY – Year 6
  • Familes can also have access at home for a small additional cost or sign up individually
  • Click here to watch our short video to find out more or visit to sign up or access free trial