Book an in-school visit

Working with Councils

A-life has been bringing sustainable health and fitness education into schools across the UK for the past 19 years. We have been repeatedly commissioned by a number of councils and housing associations to run projects ranging from reducing obesity and increasing fitness levels to improving children’s dental hygiene. In 2022 and 2023 we are running a family health & fitness programme for the NHS Haringey GP Federation to help families develop healthy lifestyle choices. We have also commissioned for the fourth consecutive year by Barking & Dagenham council to improve the health & fitness of children in the borough.

Despite the cuts in school budgets, governmental concerns surrounding children’s health have not gone away – obesity and inactivity levels continue to rise, along with the associated health problems. Our desire is that, by working with councils and housing associations, we can still tackle these vital issues; helping you reach your objectives in a very cost effective way while our coaches continue to visit schools and impact communities in the quest for a healthier, fitter, happier nation.

Please contact us if you would like more information or would like to meet up to discuss running some sessions for schools in your area. We often start with a pilot of 2 or 3 schools to see if our programme is something you would like to roll out to your borough or more schools within your area.

Why Choose A-life?

Ready to go

Our programme is already rolled out across the UK and Wales, with carefully researched materials that tick a large number of curriculum objectives and are delivered in a highly engaging and interactive way for maximum impact for all ages and abilities (Nursery –Year 8).

Whole school/community approach

We provide sessions for children, parents and teachers, tackling health issues from all angles, with a whole school and community integrated approach.


We are one of the most experienced providers, having taught well over 1 million children during the last 19 years.


Our workshops act as a springboard to bring the subjects to life – one school described an A-life day like a visit from the science museum! We follow this up by offering Staff Training, we have free lesson plans for teachers to use after our visit. We also have online sessions available


We run a mix and match programme so schools can use our sessions to cater for their exact needs, whether it be a fitness focus or Alcohol & Drug Awareness (Year 5-8), parent integration sessions, staff training etc. Every day is different and we arrange all the details and timetables with the schools.


Our programme is short and flexible so can slot into any school’s busy timetable during the school day. We can teach large numbers in a day, up to 480 pupils (most days we run morning Healthy Workshops and Fitness Sessions in the afternoon for 180 pupils). From experience, we know that schools do not like and find it hard to commit to programmes longer than a few days.

Content that works

Our programme not only teaches children to be active in many different ways it also gets to the heart of the issue by tackling habits with food, sleep, hygiene, mental health, smoking etc, which can all be barriers to getting people active.

All inclusive

Our workshops are highly interactive, which even the most diverse range of abilities can engage with (including SEN and those that don’t speak English or have language barriers). We work with Nursery – Year 8 in a single day (dependant on numbers) with differentiated and age appropriate activities that tick a large number of curriculum objectives as well giving children a fun and memorable day in the safety of their school without them having to take a whole day out of school.