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In-School Workshops

A-life Healthy School Workshops bring the curriculum to life with hands-on activities that are accessible for all ages and abilities and even mixed language groups or SEN pupils/schools. All our activities have been carefully planned and prepared to meet objectives set out in the RHE, Science, PE and PSHE curriculum in a fun and interactive way. We are really flexible and work with all kinds of schools from tiny village schools to large inner city schools, simply mix and match from the sessions below to create a programme of activities to suit your school’s requirements. (Looking for Online Workshops? Click here.)

Did you know?

A-life sessions start from


per pupil per session

See timetable and prices guide

Great way to spend your Sports Premium
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Great way to spend your Sports Premium
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A-life Workshop Aims

Our aim is to provide interactive lessons that cover essential health & wellbeing topics to take the workload off the teachers and, really importantly, to provide something children will engage with and learn from to develop healthy habits from a young age. We design all our school workshops to be fun, engaging and for everyone.


We take curriculum objectives and design super-fun activities that use specialist equipment to let children explore the topics for themselves, answering questions and learning lessons through discovery. Our fitness sessions reinforce the fun factor with music, games and well-trained coaches to keep energy levels HIGH!


Our workshops are designed to help teachers bring their curriculum topics to life. By engaging with the hands-on activities, children are far more likely to remember what they have learnt and act on it – making simple changes to their habits to help them grow into strong, healthy adults.

For everyone

We are passionate about our workshops being all-inclusive as we believe this is paramount to children developing healthy self-esteem. We do not believe singling children out for special sessions is constructive and so we have designed our sessions to be hands-on and practical, to engage all children in the group no matter what their age, ability or language. We also include sessions for parents/carers and teachers in our programme, to ensure the sustainability of our teaching.