Book an in-school visit

Parent / SEN Sessions

We know that for our teaching to make a difference, we need to get these messages into the home and community as well.

This is why we make a point of involving parents in the learning process. We provide letters for parents, we encourage parents to attend the workshops during the day (if schools allow) For a small additional cost we also provide parent sessions after school where we discuss packed lunches and troubleshoot common questions that parents have on keeping their children healthy. All of this increases parents’ confidence in your commitment to their children’s health & boosts the school’s reputation in the local community.

Session Details

  • Session Length: 30 mins – 1 hour
  • No. of pupils per session: up to 35

By the age of 7 years old most children are said to have already decided whether they enjoy being active.

Parent Sessions

Option 1: Healthy workshop or Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshop

These sessions are very different at different schools. Your A-life coach usually sets up the Healthy workshop (Year 5/6 level) for parents to investigate and take part in some of the hands-on healthy activities. The coach will then talk to the parents as a group about packed lunches and/or any subject of your choice, and finish off with a questions and answers session. Schools normally run these sessions after school and often the children (and sometimes younger siblings) come along to enjoy the resources as well.

Option 2: Circuits fitness session

Your A-life coach will prepare a mini version of the children’s fitness session to get the parents hot and sweaty!

(Both of these sessions are flexible – they can be adults-only or have children join their parents to learn / get active as a family).

Special Schools

A-life has had the privilege of teaching at a number of special needs schools and we have experience adapting our sessions to meet varying levels of abilities and requirements. We have taught a wide range of levels, from children with very severe physical and mental limitations to children with subtle learning difficulties.

The hands-on nature of the Healthy Workshops means they can easily be adapted for all abilities and levels. A-life coaches simply discuss with the teachers the level at which they want the workshops set (which can also be changed at any point). We also find the Active Circuits fitness session works really well to meet the diverse physical needs of the pupils.

See our curriculum links page for topics and levels we cover.

Home school/ Cubs and Brownies/ Other groups

We understand some children may not get the opportunity to have A-life come to their school. So if you run a children’s group such as a homeschool network, cubs, brownies or other similar group please get in touch with which sessions you are interested in and email us at  We just need access to a hall or large room with some tables and mats.