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Why do schools give A-life a 5 ***** rating

Why do schools give A-life a 5 ***** rating – see email from one of our happy teachers this week:

“Good evening, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic day the children at GBPS had today during the A-life healthy workshops. Children and teachers have been to me throughout the day and after school to tell me what a great experience they had had and how engaged the children were. Each session was well equipped and well tailored to the age range and interest of the children. Many children were excited to access the 7 day challenge after the sessions. Amanda was skillful when introducing the session, working with the children during the activities to further their understanding and also during the session debrief. She even took time to check with teachers as to their preferred focus for the session summary, allowing each to be further tailored to the year group needs. Please pass on my thanks to Amanda, we would certainly recommend her as a coach and the A-life workshops to others.

The whole process was easy to arrange and allowed super flexibility to accommodate our school day and as many children as possible. We have a great day of science learning – thank you so much!” Greasley Beauvale Primary School, Nottingham