SATS Week -Top tips
Good luck to all pupils taking exams at the moment. For some children they are a great way to show what they have learnt. For other children they can be stressful and find it hard to express their points. Sats dont define a person and dont take into account a child’s personality, sporting ability, musical talents, kindness and other factors. But below are a few things that may help brain performance and focus to all children.
- Sleep – Try to be asleep by 8.30/9pm. 10-11 year olds need 9hr 30-9hrs 45minutes sleep each night. Lack of sleep will massively reduce your brain speed and how well you do in the exams.
- Drink water – 90% of your brain is water and being just 2% dehydrated will reduce your brain performance. Keep sipping water throughout the day and during the exams.
- Get active – After you have finished a hard day of exams, take some time off to run around, kick a football, or however you enjoy being active. Exercise encourages your brain to work at its best by causing nerve cells to multiply and strengthen their interconnections. It also creates a better blood flow to your brain and helps you to sleep better.
- Eat your veg – Approximately 60% of your brain is made up of fats and Omega-3 fats are an essential part of that. Our bodies do not naturally produce Omega 3, so we need to get them from our diet. Foods like oily fish, avocados, green leafy vegetables and fish oil tablets are all really good sources.
- Breathe it in – Fresh air will help your brain and body to function well. So get out go for a walk, cycle, trampoline… Don’t just veg out on the sofa.
- Eat well – Our bodies and brains need the right mix of vitamins and minerals to work at their best. So, during the exam week, keep it healthy. Then, when they are over, ask your parents to make or buy your favourite meal to celebrate!
- Get the best start – Even if you don’t normally eat much for breakfast, during SATS week, make sure you do. Things like porridge, Weetabix and brown toast, will help your body to burn energy slowly and steadily. If you eat things like chocolate or biscuits, your energy levels will rise quickly but then dip and make you feel tired, probably about halfway through your first test! In an experiment, when children who hadn’t eaten breakfast for a while began to eat breakfast, their results went up an entire grade (on average). Breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day.
- No stress — Don’t worry about the SATS. They are important, but they will not affect your future job. Too much stress actually causes an increase in the hormone cortisol, which, in high levels, kills brain cells and brain functioning.
- Think positive — You can do it! Believe in yourself and you will do great!
- Enjoy – Enjoy the SATS and do your best!