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A-life Drugs Awareness Workshops have lasting positive impact

“Dear A-life,

Thank you for the great Drugs Awareness Session you delivered today for the year 6 children. I was pleased to listen in with the class I support as my own children had told me so much about it when they had the session a few years ago. Now aged 16 and 17, my daughters attended this school. They still sometimes talk about the A-life session and how much of an impression it made on them. It is one of the highlights of their primary school education. They chat about the beer goggles and the beanboozled game, the pictures they saw and the tar-filled lungs.

I am sure that the workshop provided to them has had a lasting positive impact and supported them to make informed sensible choices throughout their teenage years. Thank you for all that you are doing for our young people. 

Kind regards.

Parent/teacher at St Bede’s Catholic Primary School, Basingstoke”