Book an in-school visit

A-life feedback from schools is outstanding

The whole day from start to finish was simply amazing. We had SUCH a good day and the coach just blew us all away with his enthusiasm and work ethic! It was extremely well organised and all the children were on task the whole time. Behaviour was managed really well and children all the way up to year 6 were challenged or introduced to new things in the healthy workshop. The fitness workshop was a hit for my class (year 5 and 6) and they took exactly what they were meant to from it: that you can do little bits of exercise wherever and whenever with whatever! We will definitely be in touch to book the mental health workshop for next year and then maybe book this day again in 2 years time! 5***** @Albury Primary School

  • I think the trampolines were really good because they help with the muscles in your arms and legs and with balance. 
  • I liked learning about the alcohol goggles. It was scary – I probably won’t drink that much alcohol when I’m older as I don’t want to feel like that. 
  • I liked the sleep  goggles (the ones that show you’ve been awake for 2 days). I’m going to make sure I get enough sleep so I don’t feel like that. 
  • I liked the bench step ups because I could feel my legs burning. I could do it on the stairs at home. 
  • I realised that exercises  can actually be fun and you don’t need all these pieces of equipment, you can just use things from home. I think it will make me do it a bit more. 
  • I enjoy doing these things in the day as we still have more energy. We could use the equipment on the playground at lunchtime. 
  • I liked the boxing because it made you use your brains (hands to the opposite pad). We use both sides of the brain. 
  • I found the t-shirt scanner (Science AR). We are going to try and raise some money to buy 4 of them and share them across the school for Science lessons.
  • I used to do this step up exercise but I didn’t think it was an exercise, I just did it for fun outside.
  • When we had to make a healthy meal  – I look at a lot of different foods that I would want to eat and actually I realised there are a lot of things that are healthy that I like. 
  • I really enjoyed the balance cushions because I didn’t think they would be that hard but it was really challenging and I enjoyed being able to challenge myself.