Brain Break – Places Around The World Theme
Our latest Brain Break was added To A-life Online today called ‘Would you Rather – Places Around The World’. Educational but also really fun. Brain Breaks are great for helping a class refocus especially when time and space is tight. Searching for a brain break on youtube takes time and often wastes time sifting through inappropriate ads and they are most are not designed for schools. The A-life Online platform is designed for schools, easy to use, educational and all in one place. Find out more or sign up at
Here’s what teachers are saying about our approach:
We use A-life Online every day! Brain Boosts are packed full of engaging curriculum content that brings topics to life in a fun way, and the Body Boost videos are pitched perfectly to get children active during daily movement breaks. Highly recommend!” Mrs Towers, PE Lead at Trinity School, Berkshire |
“Year 4 loves it and it really helped certain children in particular. I’ve never seen my class so still during the PSHE lesson boosts , and they really enjoyed the active parts as well. Both classes keep asking for us to be able to do this again. Basically, Year 3 love it.” St Marys All Saints |