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Children making healthier choices because of A-life

When A-life visit a school to run our interactive Healthy Workshops we educate and inspire children to learn with fun, hands-on activities. Each child and family is then given free access to our 7 day challenge to help extend the learning for making healthier choices and develop healthy lifestyle habits. But does it work? Let’s see some feedback from children who did this over the summer holidays:

“I learnt so many things from this challenge and i am going to change my lifestyle. for example early sleeping eating healthy food and so many things which i learn from this challenge. Thank you for increasing my knowledge. Artem

“those 7 days were amazing now I am going to make healthy choices and do lots of exercise. I am going to have lots of sleep so I grow and I can wake up and so my brain works well” Chloe

“I loved this challenge I recommend this for every school, you learn lots about your health and change your lifestyle. Changes I’m going to make are going on walks and eating healthy and drink more water” Summer

“I thought this challenge was amazing and fun. It made me want to care more for my body and keep it healthy!” Mary

“I enjoyed the challenge, I will eat more healthy stuff, keep fit, not always being addicted by screens” Rohan

“I liked the challenge and learned a lot from it. I will make sure that in the future I will eat 5 a day and drink 6-8 cups of water every day. This is the BEST CHALLENGE!!!I hope other children will learn that to.” Saba

“I’m going to ride my bike more and watch less TV. I’ve learnt to drink lots of water and what good and bad for our bodies. I really enjoyed the challenge it was really fun.”  Manula


“I will do more exercise and to not eat sweets every day. Thank you you are my best friends and don’t forget me I wont forget you. My name is sophie 8 year old child


By creating Healthy Lifestyle habits from a young age it will make a huge difference to children’s energy, concentration, health and wellbeing both now and in years to come…