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What is the key to getting children active?

A-life have been running children’s health and fitness sessions for over 16 years and have a huge experience when it comes to getting children active.  Many schools especially in inner London have said  ‘you wont get our kids moving they dont like PE’  however as soon as our session starts we will have 100% of the children moving, engaged and smiling for the whole session and at the end a lot of teachers comment ‘i have never seen the kids sweat like this but they are all smiling too”’???    So how do we do it ?


Children think, move, behave and just are very different than adults. I don’t know about you but as an adult when I train my motivation is partly to stay in shape, partly so I can eat some extra cake and partly so i can get fit and keep up with my kids and not feel exhausted at the end of the day but also i am very aware of the health benefits of exercise both mentally and physically.

With most children they are not thinking about any of this its all about fun once they have in mind that exercise is fun they are much more likely to be active adults.  So my advice is to get active as a family , find things that the children enjoy and get involved.  If children see you moving they will follow.

As a father of 3 who has been trampolining, scooting, running, cycling, playing football, rugby, making camps, having water fights, dressing up in random outfits all to engage my children just like so many other parents out there who are doing so well in such a tough time. But we all need a little break sometimes.

This lock down A -life have some free fitness videos to get the children moving at their level and in their language. We are live every weekend of lock down as our goal the last 16 years has been to get children healthy and active and making healthy choices. See what we do in schools at 


Week 1 – Fun Fitness stories

Week 2 – Fitness Party Theme

Week 3 – next Saturday LIVE at 9.30am Sports Day Theme – Join us on you tube and facebook