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Habit changes children are making since A-life

Feedback from children completing their online 7 day challenge following an interactive school workshop visit, see the amazing things they have learnt and the fab habit changes they are developing (great stuff everyone, this is why we love doing what we do and can’t wait to be back in schools next week) :
Children’s Comments
  • The a-life challenge was really fun it was egecational and i have decided to exersize every day and eat more healthy foods this was a great challenge and i loved it .


  • In my challenge, I learnt that you only have one body throughout your life and you will need to take proper care of it such as making good choices, exercising, not eating too much sweets and lots more…. Furthermore, I also learnt that you should be drinking lots of water everyday.


  • I have enjoyed your A-life challenge and that I would 100% recomend it to anyone. I will now try to follow some healthy habbits in my life such as, drink water and not too many sweets thank you once again and I hope you make lots more fun challenges again


  • Im going to eat more healthy foods and less choclate and do more exirsise this helped me to learn alot about my body.


  • This challenge was great . I learnt so many things .I am going to try to exersise more and go outside beause now I know how important it is
  • I have really enjoyed the challange and I have learned how to keep healthy. I am going to eat more fruit and vegtables and try to not eat food that isn`t healthy.
  • The challenge was fun and interesting. I will now do more exercise everyday instead of watching tv.I will drink more water from now on and go to bed earlier.
  • i thought the challenge was a good way to look after your body and that is why i am going to do more exersise in the future.
  • I thought the challenge was fun and I feel I have learnt lots. In future I will try to be fit and healthy.
  • Fun and exciting because I was taught many facts including how to eat healthly and excercise more.


  • I thought this challenge is a great idea as it encourages people to stay healthy. The changes I would make are my decisions, I will now make healthy decisions. I will eat more greens and fruit as well as vegetables.


  • This challenge was great . I learnt so many things .I am going to try to exersise more and go outside beause now I know how important it is


  • The challenge was really fun because i learnt alot and i will try my best to be more active.


  • I really liked the challenges because they were fun but also you can learn much from them. I will try to do EVEN more exercise every day!!!