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Two weeks of child friendly PE & fitness at home – free for all schools (age 4-10)

With everyone eagerly awaiting the news of when schools will return and what this will look like, we have been busy pumping out fun fitness videos to keep children active at home (nothing beats getting active outside) Joe Wicks has been doing well but we had lots of families asking for more child friendly fitness they can do at home. Below are a few of the latest themed workouts to share with your families.

  1. Olympic Theme Kids Home workout

2) Beach Theme Kids Home Workout

3)  Around The World Theme Workout

4) Sports Day Theme Workout

5) Fitness Party Theme Workout

6) Circus Theme Workout

7) Animal Theme Workout

8) Fun Fitness Theme Workout 

9) Alphabet Fitness Code Workout

10) Family Workout For The Whole Family

With Saturday sports clubs likely to be closed for sometime please join Pete and his children for LIVE fun workouts every Saturday at 9.30am on Facebook. Our next one will be Saturday 16th May #animal theme workout, join us by clicking here. Each week they will be uploaded onto our YouTube channel if you miss the live session.

We can’t wait to get back into schools to run our Healthy WorkshopsMental Health WorkshopsDrugs AwarenessFitness sessions. We have some great ideas for being able to run the workshops in line with social distancing measures so children can still enjoy hands-on learning. We are still getting new bookings and enquiries every day so please get in touch if we can help bring your Health and Wellbeing curriculum to life.

Here is also a mini homelearning hub we have set up with a mini lesson on healthy eating, mental health and fitness.
Please share with your families