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Lunch Box Ideas

A healthy lunch box should contain a good source of protein, some fresh vegetables and fruit and (where possible) a bit of fun! Here are a few suggestions from the A-life kitchen:

Lunch Box #1

Ham & cheese sushi

  • 1 wholemeal wrap
  • 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • 4 slices of ham (or turkey)
    • Lay the wrap out and spread with cream cheese. Lay the slices of ham/turkey on top and roll tightly into a cigarette. Cut into slices.

Cucumber & carrot stick men

  • Slice carrots and cucumber into sticks. Serve with a small pot of hummus if you like.

Yoghurt sundae

  • Greek yoghurt
  • Granola
  • Sliced fresh strawberries & bananas
    • Fill the bottom of a small container with greek yoghurt. Sprinkle granola on top and finish with sliced fresh fruit.

Drink: Water – add some sliced fruit, veg or herbs (like mint) for a twist!


Lunch Box #2 – Gluten & Dairy Free

Tuna boats

  • 1 cucumber
  • Tin of tuna
  • 3 tbsp DF & GF mayo
    • Cut the cucumber into 4 chunks and then cut each chunk in half down the middle lengthways. Scoop out the cucumber seeds and discard. Mix the tuna and mayo together and spoon into the cucumber boats, placing the top halves on top as lids. Send this in a small enough container so it doesn’t fall apart on the way to school!

Ham wraps

  • Slices of ham/turkey
  • 1 apple, sliced
    • Use the ham as wraps and fill with apple slices (sprinkle with lemon to stop it going brown). Use toothpicks to keep it all together!

Super smoothie

  • I banana
  • 85g (1/3cup) Soya or other non-dairy yoghurt
  • 50g (1/4 cup) fresh or frozen berries
  • 1 tbsp honey
    • Blend all ingredients together, pour into a bottle and keep in the fridge or freezer until you’re ready to leave for school (needs to be made that day. Add a dash of non-dairy milk if it’s a bit too thick).

Drink: Water – add some sliced fruit, veg or herbs (like mint) for a twist!


Lunch Box #3 – Vegetarian

Sandwich kebabs

  • Cubes of cheese
  • Choice of: olives, gherkins, cherry tomatoes, cucumber chunks etc
  • 1 pitta/naan bread torn roughly into chunks
  • Wooden kebab sticks
    • Alternate between the different ingredients, skewering them onto the kebab sticks.

Apple nachos

  • 1 apple, sliced
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter, melted
  • Honey
    • Lay the sliced apple in the bottom of a container. Pour melted peanut butter over the top and drizzle with honey.

Banana milk

  • 1 banana
  • 250ml milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • Blend all ingredients together, pour into a water bottle and chill overnight.

Drink: Water – add some sliced fruit, veg or herbs (like mint) for a twist!


Lunch Box #4 – Vegan

Veggie hummus pitta

  • Whole wheat pittas
  • Hummus
  • Raw veggies:
    • Toast pitta bread & slice open. Spread with hummus and thinly sliced raw veggies.

Avocado rocks!

  • 1 avocado
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 small can chickpeas
  • Fresh baby spinach, chopped
  • Fresh basil, chopped
    • Mash avocado and lemon juice until smooth and add chickpeas, spinach and basil.

Banana sushi

  • 1 banana
  • Peanut butter
  • Rice crispies
    • Slice banana into 6-8 chunks. Roll in peanut butter and then rice crispies.

Drink: Water – add some sliced fruit, veg or herbs (like mint) for a twist!


Have other suggestions that your children love to see in their packed lunches? Please email us at – we’d love to hear from you!

Please note: we are not nutritionists but these are just a few suggestions to help busy parents in their ongoing quest to vary their children’s packed lunches!