Book an in-school visit

Online Drugs & Alcohol Awareness Sessions #Homelearning

Online Drugs & Alcohol Awareness Sessions #Homelearning

Had a great time this week running interactive #drugsawareness via zoom to a number of schools (mostly Year 8 pupils). Teachers said it was brilliant and saved them a lot of time and effort trying to run the session themselves.

We have more spaces available this term, as we would usually running the sessions in schools. Please get in touch if you would like to book a similar session or to find out more.

Bring the curriculum to life while pupils are #athome #inschool
– Approx £150-200+VAT
– 60-90 mins
– Years 5-8
– On zoom

When schools are back, A-life normally visit schools to run engaging & interactive school workshops:

Healthy Workshops (Nursery-Year 6)
Mental Health Workshops (Years 3-6)
Fitness Sessions (Nursery-Year 6)
Drugs Awareness (Years 5-8)




