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Supporting Primary Schools Mental Health – Online lesson for year 1-6

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A-life Mental Health & Wellbeing Online Workshop

  • Ideal for Children’s Mental Health Week (1st-7th Feb 2021)
  • Run in the classroom, facilitated by the class teacher, so no need for external visitors entering the school
  • Online, video-based workshop that is super-engaging and interactive
  • Extremely easy for teachers to run; they simply press play and pause as the video leads
  • Includes engaging teaching bites, class discussion, worksheet fun and even a 5 minute desk workout!
  • 40-60 minute run time so can be easily slotted into the day when it suits the teacher
  • Only requirements are: 1 large screen or interactive whiteboard and paper to print out the worksheets
  • Differentiated levels for Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6
  • Covers the major topics of the RSE Mental Health Curriculum for 2020
  • Designed around the evidence-based 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Experienced, high quality workshop provider with over 17 years experience working with schools and councils

By using the same A-life hands-on workshop approach, children will understand how mental and physical health are intricately linked, the importance of looking after (and improving) their mental health and wellbeing and how they can do this. We’ve made it easy for:

  • teachers to facilitate super-engaging, memorable learning experiences
  • children to explore how to develop positive mental health and wellbeing habits

Pricing for schools:

1 age group (for example Years 1-2)£99+VAT
2 age groups (for example Years 1-2 & 5-6)£175+VAT
3 age groups (all age groups Years 1-6)£250+VAT
contact and let us know which week you would like your login to start.