Book an in-school visit

Budgets squeezed? Try this.

We know that lots of schools are really feeling the squeeze this year with so many different pulls on their school budgets.

We also know they still want to include fun and educational activities and experiences for their pupils despite the lacking funds.

That’s where our Online Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshop comes in. Enjoy the feeling of an external workshop provider coming to your school, for a fraction of the cost and run it any time that is convenient for your timetable!

  • Online, video-based workshop that is super-engaging and interactive
  • Easy for teachers to run; simply press play and pause as the video leads
  • Includes engaging teaching bites, class discussion, worksheet fun and even a 5 minute workout!
  • 40-60 minute run time so can be easily slotted into any school timetable
  • Differentiated levels for Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6
  • Covers the major topics of the RSE Mental Health Curriculum
  • Designed around the evidence-based 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Experienced, high quality workshop provider with over 19 years’ experience working with schools
  • Great value for money (£99-£250 + vat for the whole school years 1-6)

When we designed this workshop, we wanted to make sure it didn’t lose the essence of who we are. Hands-on. Fun. Engaging. At the same time as covering as much of the curriculum as we possibly can. So, we made this online workshop as much like having A-life in for a workshop as we possibly could!

If your budget is tight this summer but you still want to provide a fun and educational workshop for your children then look no further.

Watch the video below to see more and contact us on to book.